We had a powerful meeting this evening. I always find it amazing when I am witness to a person struggling with conversion. That’s what happened this evening.
Witnessing God’s mysterious ways unfold is also always amazing. This week’s gospel passage is the Beatitudes in Mt 5: 1-12. I could not get inspired this week and asked one of the other leaders to facilitate the meeting. She has great insights, a gentle spirit and was the idle leader for the meeting. God is great!
If I had led the session, I don’t think it would have been as open and trust-ful as having Michelle lead. Where I am straightforward and down-to-earth, she is gentle, sees and expresses the spiritual much better and listens better as well. We work well as a team but this evening it was definitely good that she took the lead.
And all of that would not have happened with out God pushing me out of the way!
Moral of the story: in catechumenate ministry, let the Spirit guide you even when you aren’t aware that that’s what is happening!
Thanks, Jerry! It was indeed a good session, and you have been inspiring when I feel flat. Good team work.
You are both inspirational in your own ways! I love Lectio!